Ici, vous pouvez voir tous les chatons Exotic Shorthair et Persans nés dans la chatterie Endless Emotion depuis le début jusqu’à la dernière portée. Vous pouvez voir une courte information sur chaque portée, la date de naissance, les noms, la race et les couleurs des chatons.

Here you can see all the exotic shorthair and persian kittens born in Endless Emotion’s Cattery from the beginning till the last litters. You can see a short information about the litters , date of birth, names , breed and colors of the kittens.

Litter 2-2017 : Endless Emotion’s Miss Intrigue + Chulpan Red Cloud, 30/08/2017

  • Endless Emotion’s Naoko – red smoke & white persian female. Adopted
  • Endless Emotion’s Na-young – black smoke patched & white female. Adopted.
  • Endless Emotion’s Nostalgie – creme smoke persian female. Adopted.
  • Endless Emotion’s Nala – red silver blotched & white exotic shorthair female. Adopted

Litter 1-2017 : CH Endless Emotion’s Luna + CH Look and Like Exothelli, 22/05/2017.

  • Endless Emotion’s Narnia – blue mackerel tabby exotic shorthair female. Adopted
  • Endless Emotion’s Nikkita – blue silver mackerel tabby exotic shorthair female. Adopted.
  • Endless Emotion’s Nesquick – black persian female. Adopted.

Some videos of our 2017 kittens.

Litter 1-2016 : CH Endless Emotion’s Luna + CH Look and Like Exothelli, 19/07/2016.

  • Endless Emotion’s Moon Shadow – blue mackerel tabby exotic shorthair mâle. Adopted.
  • Endless Emotion’s Mister Sunshine – red mackerel tabby exotic shorthair mâle. Adopted.
  • Endless Emotion’s Miss Intrigue – black smoke patched persian female. Stays in the cattery.

Some videos of our 2016 kittens

Litter 1-2015 : Auld Brig Filomène Breizh + Ice Blue du Miaous, 18/03/2015

  • Endless Emotion’s Lolita –  blue & white persian female. Stayed in the cattery.
  • Endless Emotion’s Luna – blue patched exotic shorthair female. Stayed in the cattery.
  • Endless Emotion’s Lovely Lord-Elliott – creme and white exotic shorthair male. Adopted.

Some videos of our 2015 kittens

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